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24/04/2020 Friday Roundup

As we settle into a new working rhythm here at the Confucius Institute, we hope things are getting a little easier for you as you adjust to spending more time at home. Check out our upcoming online events and ongoing programs below. We have also created a new page on our website where you can view all our online programs at any time.
17/04/2020 Friday Roundup

As another week comes to a close, we hope you are keeping healthy, safe and your spirits high. Check out our upcoming events and ongoing programs below, all of which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home!
10/04/2020 Friday Roundup

We hope you are keeping healthy and safe and have been enjoying the range of exciting online programs we have to offer. Check out our latest activities and ongoing programs below, all which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home!