News: HSK
Final Fortnightly Roundup for 2021 + Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Welcome to our final Fortnightly Roundup of the year. It has been a fantastic year of activities and events here at the Confucius Insitute, and with the university semester now wrapping up, we are excitedly looking forward to the break and the new year ahead...
New HSK Chinese proficiency testing standards announced

Welcome back to our fortnightly roundup, after what has actually been 3 weeks. Last week the university had a closure period, so we were unable to bring you our roundup at the scheduled time...
[Read more about New HSK Chinese proficiency testing standards announced]
HSK Course Early Bird Extended

We have extended our Early Bird Special. Register by October 9th for 10 weeks worth of comprehensive HSK lessons for $220.
Now offering Comprehensive Online HSK Courses

The Confucius Institute at the University of Adelaide is now offering a complete and comprehensive HSK preparation curriculum, conducted by our qualified and experienced teachers!
[Read more about Now offering Comprehensive Online HSK Courses]